I am on an endless search for answers to questions that relentlessly assail my mind.

It started a long time ago with a camera and a desire to show the world what I saw. A life abroad, in Japan, traveling Southeast Asia, blogging, seeing the world, tasting, trying, experimenting. Running around just, living. Years went by on this adventure as I stocked up experience and memories.

I found myself, after my return to the US, using those skills as a partner in a print magazine, shooting product, food, people, events, and writing articles, reviews, posts, and everything in between. Twenty-six thousand editions every other month out to the city of Milwaukee. During this time my work ended up in cookbooks, other magazines, and on websites around the country.

That journey evolved into a deep interest in fashion and beauty photography, models, clothes, makeup, the whole big set thing. I worked my way from small boutique agencies in Minneapolis up into the biggest ones in Los Angeles, shooting their new and established people. Published in countless online magazines, it still wasn’t what I was seeking. Even the music videos, as fun as they were, just wasn’t enough.

So on one dark night in a room with no windows in a small apartment I decided to try a new avenue, drawing, which quickly evolved into much, much more. An on and off again hobby, suddenly the desire to create with my own hands the things that were in my mind became overwhelming and, since then, I’ve been doing just that. Painting, design, writing, photography, so much in so little time.

And, as the world moves, I move with it, seeing with new eyes and expressing in new ways. As of 2021 I found myself diving deep, deep, deep, into a whole new place called NFTs. No hesitation with such a wide avenue ahead of me, time shoots by at light speed. Art, events, art, events. Building up, building out, helping always. Running a metaverse gallery showcasing talent from around the world. Then, 2022, doors open even with crypto crashing,, my dig into the possibilities of what I could do within digital in full motion.

Evolution revolution evolution revolution. The wheel continues to turn. Well, not wheels, not anymore. Now we drive hover cars or something.